
Tiffany's designers and its stores

This eye-catching large yellow diamond crystal, is Audrey Hepburn in the film "Tiffany's Breakfast" tiffany wholesale in the wearing of the "Tiffany Ribbon Rosette" was mounted on a ribbon necklace over the sinking world-famous "Tiffany yellow diamond".

Tiffany "Stone on Bird" there was a new design, and this mosaic "Tiffany yellow diamond"  of the original "stone birds" is Difu Nepalese  Fifth Avenue flagship store Zhendian unique treasure!

Di Funi founder Charles Lewis  to create the brand from the date that is set Tiffany a unique system of values ​​quality  and process and fine innovative design, Tiffany uphold the 170 years since the brand.

Painter Pablo Picasso's daughter, a sign of the international fashion figure Paloma Picasso,world-renowned architect Frank Gehry and so on who have Tiffany to launch its own exclusive design of the jewelry line, and become a classic jewelry design world masterpieces.

Tiffany Fifth Avenue flagship store on the second floor, rows of the world's top diamond you dazzled; floor silver district, both Frank Gehry and Elsa PineBridge Di series of works, but also key ring and open-frame "charm bar" and other fine trinkets. Fourth floor is the "one-stop shopping" area, showing the effect on Tiffany  to create the design geniuses of the modern kitchen utensils treasures.

Tiffany to hide the biggest secrets tiffany wholesale on the seventh floor of the flagship store: jewelry making studio! Tiffany  gorgeous jewelry in classic and moving a group of highly skilled jeweler, setters and polishing division in the hands of gradually forming. Small as a diamond engagement ring, large enough to take 500 hours before the full completion of the Tiffany "Shilongbojie" necklace, both simplified, day after day craftsmen are carefully crafted with each piece .

