
Century-old Ruby

Ruby Gems are a thousand years of rich history behind them. This stone-colored crowns and royal ornaments honored loved for centuries. Corundum, a mineral species, is extremely durable, so a centuries-old Ruby can still look as glorious as when it was polished.

Deposits in Myanmar, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Thailand, Madagascar and Vietnam have their treasures valued gemstone lovers for eons. But the political turmoil in this ruby-producing countries have often hampered the delivery of this gem. So when the news of the new ruby ​​deposit Winz village in Tanzania spread of the market a couple of years ago, was expected solution cache loss of wealth of high-quality ruby, which has banned the trade in Myanmar, and Madagascar.

Rubies have been a solid fan base over the centuries, but it was not always easy to identify. Only 100 years ago, met privately gemologists long recognized that not always leave the other stone Crimson red beads similar in appearance. The famous Black Prince Ruby is the imperial state crown of Britain's crown jewels is the most famous example of this misidentification. Egg-sized cabochon "ruby" turned out to be unusually red spinel.

Corundum authorities can identify the distinctive features of the rubies from various sources, however. Toronto trades Kanamuthu Ravi Ruby Gems of Ceylon in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Myanmar. He noted that there is little to distinguish the goods of Madagascar ruby ​​Sri Lanka because of similar geology in both countries. "They have the same type of inclusions," he said. "The celebrated Burmese ruby ​​pigeon blood, a pink-red with various inclusions, including feathers visible."

When mining began serious gems in late 2007 to a reservoir near the village Winz deep in southern Tanzania, which caused a loud noise and offer hope for collectors of fine gemstones. Ruby had been discovered in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa in recent years, but this discovery was exceptional. Mines produce large crystals, and most of it is a gem.

Corundum specialist based in Thailand, Richard W. Hughes reports: "When Ruby was released Winz has been a godsend. But like many fields, production has decreased. Winz The best quality stones is excellent. While the color is not the same as the best stones from Burma, is close enough. In a world where even a five-carat ruby ​​is extremely rare quality, the appearance of fine jewelry market is really extraordinary Winz and a cause for celebration. "

Jarrett-Werner March

Colored gem dealer Edward Boehm points the difference in both characteristics and cost of the new Winza. "Very nice three-carat ruby ​​from unheated Winza can fetch up to U.S. $ 25,000 per carat, but most are between $ 4,000 to $ 8,000 U.S. per carat. Some of the material must be heated to salable. " Boehm is the inclusion of scenes is characteristic of Winza Ruby Ruby purchased elsewhere. Under the microscope, he noted "wispy hair like needles that are unique to Winza ruby. We have not identified what those records are, but they are site-specific inclusion of this unique deposit Winza. "

Master of the court Wobito Wobito Rudi cut gems rubies Winz. In an important plot Winz Wobito Ruby has recently received first notice some of the crystals that were really unique to this particular lot. "They exposed strips of blue, often with the typical rough Winzer, which can be heated," he said.

A standout feature Winza Wobito Ruby reveals is "they are very bright and crystalline, a characteristic combination of ruby ​​others have not." He was an admirer of this gem in person, and feel that Winza keeps the same pace for his fan base growing. "People fall in love with this stone very clean, beautiful and alive."

Fortunately, these new ruby ​​Winza are not little either. Wobito saw several large specimens of approximately 15 carats each, and I know they are up and about 25 carats. Most stones are polished by Gemmy cushion cuts, according Wobito is a function to maximize the rough crystal. This particular form coarse operates for its own benefit, an essential detail when handling special Winza discoveries.

