
Gem has a natural charm

Hui has a halo effect is most typical gem moonstones. Feldspars one, also known as Moon Moonstone gems. Potassium, sodium feldspar composition of double-crystal lattice-like structure display alternately. When the incident light shining into the grid when they were disturbed, burst scattering. Dense scattering of light gathered together, will be showing hazy halo-hui. This optical phenomenon called halo effect-hui. Because of this stone has a light blue halo-hui, as if the hazy moon, so named after the Moonstone, or the moon stones.

The reason why people like to accept gemstones. Also because it has a very nice honor. Some gems, especially the phenomenon of a peculiar luster, in addition to valuable place. Reflected starlight starlight gems such as stripes, light blue wave emitted Moonstone glorious, colorful flashing opal, etc., so that precious stones have a natural charm.

Gem strange phenomenon can be attributed to honor three varieties of type. The first type refers to gem varieties of the inclusions are composed of light reflected glory phenomenon. For example, star effect, cat's eye effect, Venus effect.

These stones contain very fine needle-like, tubular inclusions. Horizontal axis parallel to each other with stones arranged. This gem is assumed to be processed into convex shape, such as rutile. These needle-like, tubular inclusions that cross between the set of 60-degree angle. The reflection of light infection, will attack star effect. That process, to make the astral and the end of the parallel, interspersed center point of gems to be aligned, how it will attack four or six light line, like twinkling stars, shining radiance, so the name was the light gem. Common to two lines or three lines set to pay for four or six dynasty, dynasty, there are four lines, six lines set to pay into a dynasty of eight or twelve.

These stones contain fibrous, tubular, needle-like inclusions. These inclusions parallel to crystal display and the underlying purpose of gemstones divergence. Parallel with the underside of the inclusions, assuming that the convex-shaped cut into gems. When the light to shine on the stones, these inclusions to produce a collection of light reflected probation, so people can see a bright gem in the show the band of light, called the living light. Assume move stones, also will be live flashing light, similar to cat's eyes. This optical phenomenon is known as cat's eye effect.
Venus effect is a gem containing some pieces on display according to certain rules. Aventurine about as bright green backdrop on the mica crystal flash. Composition of light illuminated by the sunlight like a beautiful stone sober reflection of golden luster.

The second type of unusual varieties of brilliance by Bao Shi Duiguang phenomenon of selective absorption of the formation of.

While the color selection and absorption of light is a fundamental source of precious stones. Of incandescent light and sunlight absorbed by the level of the format is slightly different. Wild red incandescent light elements with high, but also this situation. As the main ingredient, and sunlight to blue-green color, so stones shine light because of the color differences are different. This phenomenon is called the "pale" There is a chrysoberyl subspecies, called alexandrite. This gem is a typical example of the phenomenon of discoloration.
Hui halo effect and so on. The third type of species is a phenomenon peculiar brilliance of light changes color as the onset of intervention.

Some stones are spherical particles of amorphous structure. Have some open space between particles. When the light shine into the structure of stones, irregular particles. Burst of light diffraction, onset of changes in the spectrum of colors, a phenomenon known as color change color or swim. Many-fold change with this change the most significant effect of color of opal stone.

