
And different diamond, ruby ​​mining, production and sales do not have a global monopoly, are fragmented industry around the ruby, it's mine or different sizes of company, or by many individuals to indigenous mining. Therefore, it was the general situation of the ruby is also a lack of resources, understanding of statistics.Buy tiffany Pendants or buy tiffany Earrings you can see ruby.Known the world's ruby resources are mainly concentrated in two regions, one in Southeast Asia and its surrounding areas, the other is in East Africa.

Producing the highest quality rubies - Myanmar
As we all know, Myanmar is the world's best rubies origin. About the early 15th century Burma Moge local residents accidentally discovered ruby, to the mid-15th century, began a large scale exploitation of Burmese rubies. Moge region adjacent areas north of the reserves in the world's most famous "pigeon blood" rubies. Ruby found here have a common "red with a blue more or less memory." Ruby centuries continue to be found in this valley, but production has been depleted. However to produce the ruby, it is still the world's best quality.

Ruby's largest processing base - Thailand
Thailand is also the origin of the world's ruby, ruby, once in Thailand, saturated ruby color with Myanmar comparable, but the resources and the production is also gradually declining. At present, although Thailand is still the world's number one supplier of rubies, but the ruby is mainly produced from Myanmar and Cambodia. These foreign ruby raw materials, processed in Thailand after re-entering the sales market process.

Important ruby origin - Cambodia
Cambodia near the Thai ruby mainly in area 5 in the Pailin area. Thai rubies are also produced very similar to the higher iron purple - brown-based.
Star Ruby's home - Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)
Southeast of the island produced a lot of ruby, ruby is the world-famous areas, known as the "Gem City". Especially with high-quality products known for Star Ruby, Sri Lanka, ruby color with a pink, slightly purple. Such as the United States National Museum are now hidden in the heavy 138.7 kt of "Rosser Reeves" Star Ruby is from here.

