
Characteristics of the diamond with a big strong American: Tiffany

American Tiffany  Company  Is the world well-known pioneer of the engagement ring. Tiffany gentle, delicate sensibility and the ultimate functional beauty, a world of fantasy and desire of all women. Tiffany  since its inception in 1837, has been designed in the stunning beauty of the original works as a purpose. Indeed, Tiffany  wholesale lovers can voice his right, and its original silverware, stationery and tableware is fascinated. Classic design is Tiffany of the definition of work, which means that each one amazing masterpiece can be the perfect generation to generation, the eternal charm. Tiffany never designed to meet the ups and downs of fashion and, therefore, not be left behind, in fact, she was completely above the trend of the above. Tiffany  of the most prestigious six claw set design: prop up the diamond ring set in the table above, the diamonds flashing radiance to enhance the extreme point, is still widely respected.

Tiffany  and creative ideas are brought out the essence of the American rich features: simple clear lines tell sober personality and exciting move of God's grace. Tiffany emphasis on excellence of design, things can get random inspiration from nature, leaving the tedious and delicate artificial, just simple and clear. Harmony, proportion and coherent, integrated in every Tiffany design in order to present the most beautiful gesture. Tiffany was founded on the design of the beam near to the white ribbon of blue box, as its famous landmark. 19,20 turn of the century, Tiffany  brand for the first time use of stainless steel jewelry box, and stressed the need to silver, not gold.

Create silver tableware from the early to silver ornaments to the diamond, Tiffany  designers to create many extraordinary treasures. Since the glorious 1890's, many from the United States Astor family , Vanderbilt family or Morgan  the door of the ladies are long-lasting beautiful Tiffany  diamond dumping. At the same time from the theater, the sports world, celebrities and even European royalty, Hollywood stars of the film industry, but also as Tiffany  ornaments of priceless treasures. Tiffany  New York flagship store into a lot of the filming scene, one of the most well-known than the Audrey Hepburn (Audrey Hepburn), starring "Breakfast at Tiffany" (Breakfast at Tiffany's) up.

Period after the new school of art, decorative arts during the school until today's modern and elegant style, Tiffany jewelry design has always been a favorite of museum collections around the world. Around the world each year auction, Tiffany or naments are very rush. Today, weighing 128.54 kt, internationally renowned "Tiffany Juzuan color yellow" permanent display in Tiffany  of the New York flagship store, the testimony of wholesale tiffany Bracelets of extraordinary legend. Tiffany is a symbol of American design, to love and beauty, romance and dreams known as the theme for nearly two centuries.

